Why choose a quality global ITAD provider? It’s simple. Your data and reputation are on the line.

Many organizations make the mistake of putting off IT disposal plans until it’s too late. Have you found yourself stockpiling and storing PCs, laptops, even servers, when new IT arrives? You’re not alone.

Our full-range of IT asset disposition services makes your life easier while giving you peace of mind. Here are just a few ways we can help:

  • Manage your risk.

    Without a proper disposal plan, you’re allowing valuable data to sit unprotected. Our process requires us to adhere to strict security policies at all times, helping you stay compliant with all local and federal regulations. You can rest assured knowing that your data is safe and secure with EPC.

  • Create flexible solutions.

    We tailor each and every ITAD project to reflect the customer’s security protocol. So, whether you need on-site data destruction, remote data wiping, large scale asset removal or special accommodations for WFH staff – we can accommodate.

  • Streamline your ITAD.

    Managing multiple ITAD providers around the world can be time-consuming and just isn’t efficient, potentially leaving gaps in your data security plan. With EPC, you can streamline your ITAD around the world with one, dependable, consistent and certified provider.

  • Enhance the circular economy.

    Shift to a more sustainable IT program with EPC. By responsibly reselling your retired IT, you extend its useful life, preserve more resources and keep e-waste out of landfills.

  • Ensure compliance globally.

    Global organizations understand they are held to the highest standards. EPC works with you one-on-one to build a solution that checks all of your boxes. At the end of each project we provide detailed data sanitization, recycling and sustainability reports, helping you achieve your CSR goals.

  • Increase your bottom line.

    If your technology has remaining value, EPC will find it. If you have equipment lying around, not being used, the longer it sits, the less it’s worth. We can help you recoup your IT investment now when you need it most. Not only are you receiving premium, safe, secure and certified ITAD services, but actual revenue to use on your next IT project.

  • Recycle e-waste responsibly.

    Anything that cannot be resold through one of our diverse channel partners, will be disassembled and recycled. Our world-class recycling operations and facilities allow us to safely remove and keep toxic materials out of the environment. As e-Stewards, all equipment is disposed according to local environmental laws.

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Customer choose EPC because of our industry knowledge, high degree of flexibility and our vast global footprint. Simply put, we help your organization remain compliant, secure and competitive.